Hurting? Feel Alone?
Feeling out of Control
If you are suffering from hurts beyond your control, if life has become unmanageable, and you do not know your next move, Serenity is waiting for you.
Welcome to Serenity Church of Longview
Check out the rest of the site and email us if you would like to visit with someone who’s been through the worst of what life has to offer. All contact is 100% confidential.
We’re so glad you found your way here! For some of us, it’s been a long road; for others, the road continues on. In either case, we are here to provide help, friendship, and support. We’re just like you! We have struggles that we can’t manage on our own and need to surround ourselves with people who understand; we’re good people who have chosen to do some pretty rotten things. We’ve hurt ourselves and those around us, and we can’t stop for some reason.
My Church Means to Me…
The Steps Mean to Me…
I am Worthy….This is My Story
Submitted by
Michelle D